Dear Senior Dan Grades
Application forms are available from Sensei Leigh or let him have your email and He will forward to eligible karateka’
Various positions are to be filled before Summer 2023 Successful applicants will be informed prior to the Host nations International seminar (TBA) and ITKCA Instructor licences & certification presented at end of International Seminar. Full regulations and explanation will be given to successful Applicants, who will then be invited to take up a position within the ITKCA. levels of panel officers will be
Life, 5 year, 2 year and probationary 1 year. these statutes are amended and renewed according to Senior executive protocol.
Please advise Sensei Leigh of the next Seminar planned. If you have no plans for International seminar in your own countries then positions will be offered to members of that Nation attending an International seminar in another Country.