5th Nov 1981 – 2018. Happy 37th Birthday to Saxon Karate. What a trip so far.. The things this club and its members have achieved have been truly amazing. 30 members have just returned from the Japan tour 17 days of training sight seeing and friendship. I have to say that there was no time when i was not proud of the groups enthusiasm and conduct. Congratulations to Kyu grades. Riley 9kyu, Carol 8kyu, Karen, 8kyu Holly 6kyu, Sam 4kyu, Lynda 2nd Kyu Dave 2nd Kyu, on successful exams. and the exceptional Dan grades who passed Gradings in Tokyo and Kyoto. Emma Junior Nidan, Andy Nidan, Rob, Nidan, Alan Nidan, Megan Nidan, Sue Sandan Loren Sandan, and Laraine Godan.
Well done everyone you have just fulfilled every true Karatekas dream and not only trained in Japan but Graded in Japan. Under difficult circumstances you did yourselves and the club proud. Now we start planning the next exciting chapter in the clubs future.
Monday, 5th November, 2018